The Global Knowledge Base (GKB) is in need of QuestionPoint librarians to help review and activate submitted records! Because of your interest in supporting the work of all librarians by sharing your research and sources with them, the GKB has been growing steadily. In fact, it's growing so fast that we have a backlog of some 2,000 Q&As waiting to be edited and activated so they are searchable.
Editors review submittals Q&As for appropriateness and check them for spelling or grammatical errors. They hotlink URL citations and "scrub" any personal information from the text. We do not ask editors to confirm accuracy or update information, but you are able to do so if you wish.
This is a good opportunity to see what others are doing in the online reference world! You can learn about new resources and search strategies while making QuestionPoint librarian research available to others. Some of the kinds of Q&As you will review are:
- Factual Q&As
- Bibliographies and pathfinders
- Hard-to-find Q&As
- Frequently Asked Questions, sometimes seasonal
- Local history, government, agencies, lore
- Genealogy, especially for sources used
For more information and to volunteer, please contact Paula Rumbaugh at
Email: paula_rumbaugh AT
Phone: 614-764-6433, or 1-800-848-5878 Ext. 6433.
I want to do so. But the library I work for now is not a membership of QUESTIONPOINT.
Posted by: haie lee | May 29, 2007 at 12:21 AM