Dear QuestionPoint subscribers:
On the knowledge base survey of June 2006 and throughout this past year, we've had requests from QP users for more information about the QuestionPoint knowledge bases. Some have said they would welcome a training or orientation session.
Peter Armenti, a librarian at the Library of Congress and a long-time member of the QuestionPoint team, will offer two sessions on Tuesday, August 14, at 1500 GMT and at 1800 GMT. Both sessions will cover the same content:
An introduction to the knowledge base concept
The benefits to you of using the knowledge
How to submit answered Q&As from the Ask
How to add information directly into new KB
How to reuse KB records in your chat sessions
and e-mail answers
Setting up your local knowledge base
Offering your local KB and/or the Global KB
to your patrons
Each session will also have ample time for questions and discussion following the orientation. To sign up for one of the sessions, please go to:
August 14 -
1500 - 1630 GMT
August 14 -
1800 - 1930 GMT