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« ALA Midwinter 2008: User Group Meeting notes | Main | Promoting Virtual Reference Services on (and off) Campus: A webinar »

February 27, 2008


I was disappointed to learn that the Qwidget can't be configured to send questions into the regular Questionpoint queues like the regular forms. It is helpful that other libraries in our primary queue would be able to see the questions, but it would be much more useful if libraries could configure the widget to work the way the forms do now. I hope that OCLC will consider this for a future enhancement, as the idea of a qwidget is excellent!

Previous to the upgrade, as our Library's Administrator, I was able to see a report of the "Sessions" of our Washington Coop Queue members -- now I can't find it. Can someone tell me where to look at it, or is this information we administrators no longer have access to? Thanks, Kandy

In response to Kandy's question about Sessions, those reports are now available from the My QuestionPoint home page, behind the new Reports tab at the top of the page. If you click on the Institution link behind that tab, you see two sections of reports: the first is called "Activity Statistics" and the second is called "Counts of Current Data." The Sessions reports are in the second section.

I will be posting to the list, soon, further information regarding the Sessions reports column labeled "Our Sessions with Others' Patrons: Outside BME."

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