QuestionPoint subscribers:
will be unavailable for a very brief time Tuesday morning, March 25, at 1000
GMT. We anticipate only a 15-minute outage. This outage is necessary to
implement important fixes and upgrades. Please be sure to end any chat sessions
in progress before that time and check your NEW folder for any missed or
dropped sessions once the system is back up. Also be sure to save drafts of any
in-progress answers you are writing in the Ask module.
Among the
user-apparent problems that are being fixed or upgrades being implemented are:
Codes report incorrect linking to transcripts. Now reporting correctly.
descriptive codes unintentionally ommited in March 2 install.
The Send
Message button, on the Ask/Answer page, fixed.
lists, now linked from the My QuestionPoint page, right margin, fixed.
Chat session
time-out has been set back to a total of 4 minutes: 3 minutes after a patron
has X’ed out of his session browser, the librarian will see the red diamond by
the patron’s name; after 1 more minute, the patron-not-connected message
Default email messages again appear in the language indicated in the question form html script. This problem was first noted by a Slovenian and a German library.
characters are now passed through the Qwidget transcript as expected.
A note on the
My QuestionPoint/Reports/Sessions reports pages clarifies what is included in
the “Our Sessions with Others’ Patrons, BME’s” count.
We regret the
inconvenience this brief downtime may cause, and we appreciate your patience.
Paula Rumbaugh
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