Dear QuestionPoint Users:
This alert concerns librarians who use cobrowsing in QuestionPoint’s Flash chat.
If you use cobrowse while chatting, please be advised that Sun has released a new version of the Java engine. (JRE 1.6.0_11)
In testing, we have discovered that this latest version is NOT compatible with cobrowsing on the librarian side. If you download and install this new version, your cobrowse window may open normally with viewport and active buttons, but any attempts to send pages to patrons from the Cobrowse window will fail. Although the patron’s cobrowse window also looks normal, they won’t receive any pages sent from the Cobrowse screen and eventually the session will founder, with various cobrowse opening and closing messages. Chat will continue as normal, but you won’t be able to close cobrowse and resume pushing pages.
Patrons with the new version of Java CAN successfully participate in a cobrowse session with a librarian who has not upgraded to the new Java version.
Here are our recommendations:
If your IT department requires you to use the new Java engine or has already downloaded it, you shouldn’t attempt to cobrowse.
If you wish to resume cobrowsing capability, you can choose from the following options:
1) Download an older version of the Sun Java engine and overwrite your new version. Here is a link to an archived version of Sun Java that we do support:
2) XP and Windows 2000 users can also use the older Microsoft VM, a link to which is available from your “My QuestionPoint” home page. If you choose to use the Microsoft VM, you will have to download it, (if you don’t still have it from years ago on your computer) and then choose to use it from “Tools>Internet Options>Advanced menus in Internet Explorer. You should check the Microsoft VM only and uncheck the Java VM if you choose this method.
If your IT department doesn’t require you to download this latest Sun Java, just disregard the periodic upgrade messages that you may be receiving from Sun and stick with the older version until you hear otherwise from us about compatibility. We are not sure at present, if / when we will be able to address this issue!