QuestionPoint Members
2,190 | Active SUPs (service unit profiles) |
1,315 | SUPs in the 24/7 Reference Cooperative |
29 | Languages can be handled by QuestionPoint libraries |
5,809,761 | Transactions had passed through QuestionPoint as of midnight Eastern Time, 31 July. |
2,705,061 | Patrons have asked questions via libraries with QP since 2002 |
22,629 | Active records in the Global Knowledge Base |
492 | Libraries have contributed active, searchable records to the GKB |
QuestionPoint libraries are in 31 Countries (listed by region):
Australia Italy New Zealand The Netherlands China Russia Korea Serbia Japan Slovenia India Spain Thailand United Kingdom Saudi Arabia Canada United Arab Emirates Mexico Botswana United States South Africa Jamaica Croatia Puerto Rico France Trinidad & Tabago Greece Brazil Germany Chile Peru
73% (or 1,599) of the QuestionPoint libraries are in the U.S. The number of libraries outside the U.S. (27%) represents a slight increase over the 20-22% average non-U.S. participation since 2002. Serbia is the most recent country to join this special, highly informed community!
QuestionPoint Statistics for July 2010
40,394 | Questions received via E-mail and Text Messages |
31,792 | Chat sessions requested |
8,114 | Chat sessions requested via Qwidget |
30,318 | Chat sessions accepted |
7,329 | Chat sessions at non-24/7 Reference Cooperative libraries |
456 | Sessions requested after hours at non-24/7 Reference Cooperative libraries (6% of all requests) |
52 | Most concurrent chat sessions |
16 | Average concurrent chat sessions |
24/7 Reference Cooperative Statistics
69.7% | Overall “Answering Percentage” (Cooperative libraries picked up 69.7% of all chat sessions, and Back Up staff picked up 28% |
7,561 | Academic sessions requested; Coop members answered 5,506 (73%) |
16,902 | Public sessions requested; Coop members answered 11,550 (68%) |
751 | Sessions Abandoned (Patron disconnected before librarian picked up, may include some practice sessions) |
July Questions of Note
This question was asked of the Ask Scotland national service:
Q: When did the first women's magazine appear in Great Britain and what was it called?
A: The first woman's magazine to appear in Great Britain appears to be the Ladies' Mercury, published for only four issues in 1690. Source information is available at
In French
The Global Kowledge Base has many contributions from libraries in France. Here is an example from BiblioSésame, the French public library group:
Q: Je recherche un texte de littérature allemande, du XIXe siècle je crois, de genre fantastique. Je l'ai étudié en faculté et impossible de me remémorer l'auteur et le titre. Il y est question d'un homme qui passe un pacte avec une sorte de ...
(I’m looking for a text in German literature from the 19th century, I think, in the fantastic genre. I read it in college but I can’t remember the author or title. It’s about a man who makes a pact with some sort of ghost, phantom knight, so he can preserve the lands from damage from broken dikes.)
To see the answer, please go to: BiblioSésame KB record