Occasionally we're asked for functionality that QuestionPoint already has. So we thought it might be good to revisit some features that are not new but about which you may not be aware.
In the next few weeks we'll post two or three features weekly in the form of questions you may have asked us or your QuestionPoint colleagues lately. We hope you'll follow these postings to catch up on implementations to QuestionPoint over the years. Please use the blog Comments feature to let us and others know your thoughts about these.
Our library needs to customize Descriptive Codes. Is there a way to do that? One of the most-asked for features of the last couple of years and which we can happily say we added in Spring 2010, was the ability to customize Descriptive Codes. A new area in the Administration module (Administration >> Institution >> Settings >> Descriptive Codes) provides the QP account administrator with the option to choose only the codes your library needs, or to add a completely new set of codes. Currently, the codes you can assign any question or transcript are those of yourlibrary, not those of the patron's library if you're assisting others' patrons in a cooperative. In the latter case, you'll want to follow your cooperative's policy regarding assignment of Descriptive Codes to other than your own patrons. Instructions for creating your own Descriptive Codes are at http://www.questionpoint.org/crs/html/help/en/admin/ad_descriptivecodes_task.html
How can I export transcripts? All methods of exporting transcripts require administrative privileges-- group, institution, or "ask" administrator. You can export transcripts from the General review under Review Transcripts in the Ask module. In the table check the box for the ones you wish to export, then select the export option from the drop-down menu at the bottom of the table. This option exports in XML.
You can export entire transcripts also from the Offline review area (Ask >> Review Transcripts >> Offline). Documentation about this option is available at http://questionpoint.org/support/documentation/gettingstarted/qp_reviewoffline_ref.pdf. You must use this option if you want to export transcripts older than 90 days. This option allows exporting in XML or HTML formats.
And, finally, you can export the data about transcripts from the Form Fields review area under Review Transcripts. Here you have the choice of exporting a delimited file, an XML file, or an Excel spreadsheet.
Will QuestionPoint introduce a knowledge base component in the near future? We need to save some questions so we can reuse them. QuestionPoint has a knowledge base component! Chat, e-mail, and texting transcripts can easily be saved, scrubbed and edited, and automatically indexed for searching in the QuestionPoint Knowlege Base. The Global Knowledge Base is shared by all QuestionPoint subscribers; every group or single library not part of a group has its own local knowledge base, as well. You can search and reuse any of the records in the KBs during you normal QuestionPoint activity; your library can also decide whether to offer these KBs to your patrons to search. In addition to submitting answered Q&As to the KB, you can add records directly into the KB, so that e-mails and telephone questions can be included.
An hour-long introduction to the use of the QP KBs is presented from a link on the training page at http://questionpoint.org/education/index.html.
If you have questions about any of the above or want more information pertaining to these features, e-mail Paula Rumbaugh at [email protected].