QuestionPoint Members
1,937 Active SUPs (service unit profiles)
1,274 SUPs in the 24/7 Reference Cooperative
29 Languages can be handled by QuestionPoint libraries
6,948,840 Transactions have been received by QP libraries since 2002 (as of
August 31)
3,168,049 Patrons have asked questions via libraries with QP since 2002*
29,391 New patrons asked for help via QP libraries' websites in August*
24,777 Active records in the Global Knowledge Base
525 Libraries have contributed active, searchable records to the GKB
*These numbers are lower than actual, as they do not include texting patrons or chat patrons who have not provided email addresses.
QuestionPoint libraries are in the 33 countries listed below by region.
Australia United Kingdom
New Zealand England
--------------- Scotland
China Wales
French Polynesia ---------------------
Japan Croatia
India Serbia
Thailand Slovenia
-------------- --------------------
United Arab Emirates Russia
---------------- -------------------
Botswana Canada
South Africa Mexico
-------------- United States
France --------------------
Greece Costa Rica
Germany Jamaica
Italy Martinique
The Netherlands Puerto Rico
Spain Trinidad & Tabago
-------------- ---------------------
Republic of Ireland Chile
QuestionPoint Statistics for August 2011
37,170 Questions received via E-mail and Text Messages
29,333 Chat sessions requested
9,031 Chat sessions requested via Qwidget
28,228 Chat sessions accepted
6,655 Chat sessions requested at non-24/7 Reference Cooperative libraries
652 Sessions requested after hours at non-24/7 Reference Cooperative libraries
46 Most concurrent chat sessions (down 4 from last month)
14 Average concurrent chat sessions (down 1 from last month)
24/7 Reference Cooperative Statistics
72% Overall “Answering Percentage”! Cooperative libraries picked up 72% of all chat sessions, and Back Up staff picked up 26%, for a total of 98% pick-up. See Sessions Abandoned, below.
7,876 Academic sessions requested; Academic members answered 6,020 (76.4%)
14,802 Public sessions requested; Public members answered 10,326 (69.76%)
479 Sessions Abandoned (Patron disconnected before librarian picked up, may include some practice sessions)
August Questions of Note
Just activated for you to search: students at the Highline Community College in Washington state asked who the “most famous librarian in history” is . . . or was. A back-up librarian picked up this question in a chat session (KB record 199606), and immediately found two sources of the same top-25 list. What makes this KB record worth pointing out here is how it illustrates the ability to update existing records by adding an Addendum to the original. In this case, at least two other librarians answered the same question; the editor was able to combine the three KB records into one by adding the additional information as addenda. You can search for “most famous librarian” using the search box in the left pane of this blog page.
This new addition may get a smile from some of you: Someone contacted the Library of the American Library Association asking, "Is it true NYPL staff make $600,000?' Could you send information on the average salary, or posted salary range, for a "typical" reference librarian, or similar position. Also for a branch head. To find out if there are reference librarians lurking somewhere with such attractive salaries, search for “salary reference librarian.” You may see some other interesting questions and answers regarding librarian salaries in the same results list.
Don’t forget to submit answered questions to the Global Knowledge Base. Your answers may contain research that could be of use to your colleagues around the world. All submittals are reviewed for appropriateness for the global community, corrected for spelling, scrubbed of personal information, and sometimes summarized for succinctness.