1 New Features/Improvements
1.1 Enhanced Security for Attachments
We have added additional security criteria for the new librarian attachment storage capability. This will increase existing measures to protect against unauthorized access to the stored attachments.
1.2 Patron Privacy
For those libraries using forms created using the QuestionPoint “Forms Manager”, we have removed the default statement linking to OCLC Patron terms and conditions. We strongly encourage libraries who use those particular forms (created from Admin Module>Forms> Forms Manager & Subscription Group>Chat Manager) to create a link to and/or explanation of their library’s Privacy Policies, using the “Footer Field” in the Form builder. If you have any questions about this, please contact your QuestionPoint Support provider.
1.3 Policy Pages: Display linked fields with error message when Registry is unavailable
Our previous install allowed libraries to link fields in their Policy Pages to data already contained in their WorldCat Registry. On the rare occasion that the Registry data is not available due to maintenance or outage, librarians using the Policy Pages during a chat session will see the following error message:
“Cannot display data linked to the WC Registry. This may be because the Registry is temporarily unavailable or the linked Registry field has no data.”
Note that “copied” data will still be available if the Registry is down. Only “linked” data is unavailable during a Registry outage or omission.
1.4 BME Admins can see Member Institutions’ Surveys in Service History
Survey results display are now consistent between Active Data and Service History and BME Admins can now see Surveys of their member institutions in both types of search results.
1.5 Form Field Report enhancements
1.5.1 Qwidget and Walk up identification
“Add Question (aka Walkup) Forms” and Qwidget sessions are now individually identifiable from “Email” and “Chat” respectively, in the Online and Off-line Form Field Reports results. Sorting and identification of each type of session will be simplified when preparing reports or gathering statistics.
1.5.2 Full patron email addresses
Full patron email addresses are now available in Off-Line Reports as well as Online Form Field Reports, if that option has been selected in Admin Module>Settings.
1.5.3 Formatting
Reported fields are now consistently aligned in spreadsheets so that columns Online and Off-line Reports for the same information are matched.
1.6 New Frame-Busting Page Identified
http://fmx.sagepub.com has been found to break the patron’s viewport frame and overtake the chat frame if sent during a chat session. We have therefore added it to the list of “known framebusters”. This means that it will not display in the viewport if sent as a link. The patron will have to click on the link in chat history to open it in a separate window, if they want to see it during the chat session.
Note: The “Frame-busters” page in QuestionPoint is periodically updated to add these sorts of pages as discovered and reported by you, our users. The link to the Frame-busters page is on the right-hand side of the My QuestionPoint homepage, under “Resources”.
2 Fixes
2.1 Chat
2.1.1 “Practice Chat” vs. “Accessible Chat” identifier fixed.
A bug introduced when the new Walk up form was implemented has now been fixed. Only sessions instigated from the “Practice Chat” link on the “My QuestionPoint” home page will contain the “practice chat” check box, and be identified as “Practice” in the librarian chat monitor.
2.1.2 “Practice Chat” Check box on Practice Chat form is now Checked by default.
This returns the Practice Chat form check box option to its original configuration. It will now be pre-checked when opened. Those libraries that wish to access the “Live service” librarians while using the Practice Chat form will have to uncheck the “practice” checkbox to have those questions seen.
2.1.3 Off-Line Reports Parameters saved.
When choosing parameters for the type of data requested in Off-line Reports, users can now save page 2 (Search limitation parameters) and page 3 (field data and format selector) data in their saved Reports. This will facilitate report re-use, in that repetitive reports can be re-run without having to reselect data each time the report is desired.
2.2 Reports for the Group Administrator
2.2.1 Descriptive Code Report List display.
Group level Descriptive Codes report has been fixed to only display the Descriptive Codes actually configured by the libraries represented in the Group. If the same code is used amongst multiple libraries in the same BME, there will still be multiple “duplicate” labels, as each institution’s code is considered unique.
2.2.2 Descriptive Code Report content.
Additionally, when selecting “All” institutions, an error occurred when sessions IDs to which some of the selected Descriptive Codes had been assigned did not display correctly in the report. This problem has been fixed and sessions IDs to which the selected Descriptive Codes have been assigned now display in the report.
2.3 Thai Character set fixed
Thai language character set is now correctly displayed in Off-line Reports.
2.4 Upside Wireless Texting fixes
QuestionPoint institutions with linked Upside Wireless accounts will now see updated UW account names in their Admin Module if they have changed the name through their Upside Wireless configuration accounts.
3 Known Issue in Chat
Sending Search Engine Page URLs in Chat
Several commercial search engines, including Google and Yahoo, have changed their philosophy about content usage. They are no longer facilitating reuse of their search pages in the type of HTML frame structure used by the QuestionPoint patron chat interface. You can continue to use these search engines while in a session with patrons, but please be aware that if you send the actual Google results pages, the pages may not automatically open in the Viewport. Depending upon which browser and (I.E, Firefox, etc.) used, the patron may need to click the hotlink from the chat history for the URL that was sent. This will force the search page to open in a separate window. While I.E. users will receive a message in the Viewport with a helpful hot-link, Firefox users receive no such assistance, and the Viewport may switch to a blank white page.
This does not affect URLs of websites that are copied and pasted after a Google search has been completed. It only relates to URLS that actually contain “google” in the address itself.
We recommend that you continue to check with the patron frequently regarding pages sent, and suggest that the patron click on any link where the page itself did not display.