Have you ever inadvertently coded a session with an incorrect Resolution Code when staffing the Cooperative? The resolution code you select has consequences, as follows:
Answered: session will appear in the patron library Active question list
Follow Up by Patron Library: session will appear with a ? (red question mark), in both the patron library’s New and Active list
Lost Call: session will appear in the Closed list (and not in the Active question list)
Most libraries tend to look at the New list first, because that list contains all sessions that need following up. This includes any chat sessions coded Follow Up by Patron Library as well as new email questions and sessions where a patron has sent a reply to a previous librarian response. Then, if there is time, the library will look at the Active list. Very often, no one looks at the Closed list.
If you intend to code a chat session for follow up, but accidently code it as Answered or Lost Call, then the Patron library may not realize that their patron is expecting more information. Unfortunately, you can’t change the Resolution Code of a session after the fact, but you can bring a session to the Patron Library’s attention by using the Reject feature. Reject will change the status of the question to New, so that it will now appear in the Patron Library’s New list, with a red question mark.
Only use Reject if follow up is needed and you did not use the Follow Up resolution code. You do not need to use Reject if you *did* use the Follow Up resolution code, or if no follow up is needed (in other words, if you meant to code a session as answered and you accidently used Lost Call, there is no need to Reject the session). You may, however, wish to add a Librarian Note, from the chat monitor.