During the school year it’s not uncommon for students to use Ask a Librarian chat services to get help with their homework. Many libraries have homework guides and resources that can help. Next time your patron asks about homework help, consult the library’s policy page – there’s a section called “Tutoring/Homework Assistance”. Look there for homework guides and information about any tutoring services provided by the library.
Here’s an example of a homework help session where the chatting librarian used the patron library’s homework help links, without actually doing the homework for the student:
Patron: hello i need help with my home workLibrarian: Hello and welcome! I am a librarian at [name of librarian’s library]. I am helping out your librarians by answering questions for them right now. I'm reading what you wrote so I can help you...
Patron: ok
Librarian: Hi there - this is [librarian’s name]. How can I help? Can you tell me more about what you have to work on?
Patron: well, it is my math home work
Librarian: Okay - can you tell me more?
Patron: okay I have 3 challenging questions
Librarian: Okay - I'm afraid I won't be able to do any tutoring or answer your questions, but what grade level? Subject?
Patron: i am in 6th grade and its math
Librarian: Okay - let me take a look at some resources your library may have for you... can you give me just a moment?
Patron: ok
Librarian: Here are some "math" links from the [patron’s library] kids page: http://Patronlibrarywebsite/math
Patron: ok but i have a question about the library
Librarian: Okay - I don't work for [name of library] but I can try to find an answer for you...
Patron: can i go to the libray tomorrow and get free home work help?
Librarian: Let me see what info there is about homework help...
Librarian: Here's some info I'm finding from [patron library] regarding homework help: [librarian sends link to tutoring at the library]
Patron: ok. Thank you.
Librarian: I can ask someone at [patron library] to follow up with you if you'd like by email - do you have an email address?
Patron: yes <email address removed>
Librarian: Okay - I can see if someone at [patron library] can answer your question about getting homework help in the library tomorrow. Sound good?
Patron: yes ok
Librarian: Great! Can I help with anything else tonight?
Patron: nope
Librarian: Thank-you for using [patron library’s] chat service.
If you have resources for homework help, be sure to include those on your library’s policy page, so the Coop librarians can better assist your patrons!