This session provides a great illustration of how you can help Coop librarians troubleshoot access issues - just provide database access in your library policy page, as the library in the session below did. This patron was trying, unsuccessfully, to access Net Tutor, a program available at her school through Blackboard. Thanks to the combination of a clever Coop librarian and a good library policy page, this patron got the help she needed. In the post-session survey, the patron said “Great librarian.exceptional service and very patient too. Walked me through the entire process. Thank you so much.”
Here’s the complete session:
Patron: How can i access net tutor
Librarian: Hi [patron’s name removed].Welcome to [name of patron library]. I'm reading over your question and will be with you in just a moment.
Librarian: Can you tell me more about what net tutor is?
Patron: Net tutor is associated with colleges and helps with home work and also classwork. It is like a distant learning.
Librarian: Thanks, I am looking at your library's page now
Librarian: It looks like you need to be logged into Blackboard...are you?
Patron: Ok thank you. Yes i am logged into blackboard
Librarian: I am reading that you need to click "Tools" and should then be able to select "Net Tutor"
Librarian: I am trying to follow in your footsteps and am not finding the "tools" feature
Librarian: let me keep looking
Librarian: Okay, I found it
Patron: ok. I went to tools and after clicking the net tutor icon, it said "this page will load net tutor but when i click ok, it goes back to the home page
Librarian: uh oh, okay, let me try it too
Patron: thank you
Librarian: I get a message that says "this page will lauch the net tutor" but when I click, "okay" it just goes back to the previous screen. Is that the case for you too?
Patron: yes it is
Librarian: Do you see any additional log in information?
Patron: No. there are no other options
Librarian: okay, that must be frustrating. Let me do a little more searching and see if there is something we are missing
Patron: ok. thank you
Librarian: I don't know if this is it, but I am reading that you first need to log into blackboard and then go to your class, and then click on tools before selecting Net tutor.
Librarian: Is that what you already did?
Librarian: I don't know if it will make a difference....I'll keep looking
Patron: yes. i logged into blackboard then selected English 101, went to tools and then select net tutor
Librarian: Okay, I was able to get in...
Patron: great.
Librarian: It might be that the page, once you click on that "ok" is being blocked by a popup blocker
Librarian: go back to the tools page and click on the net tutor
Librarian: when you click on "ok" you will see a red or yellow x in the browser's search box on the far right hand side (just below the x where you can close your browser)
Patron: ok. my computer is a little slow but i am trying to get back in
Librarian: you have to allow the pop up’s, then it will take you back to that tools page, and you can click on it again, select okay, and it should pop up in a new window
Librarian: okay, let me know if that works
Patron: ok. please don't go yet, i really need your help. thank you
Librarian: I won't go. I want to make sure you can access it :)
Patron: GUESS WHAT!!!!!? i am in!!!!! [librarian name removed], i do not know how to thank you. i have been trying night and day to get in for 3 days. Thanks for your help. i am eternally grateful for you patience. thank you so much.
Librarian: Oh good I am so glad I could help!
Librarian: It's funny because I didn't even see the little pop up blocker either! Just make sure you look for that x and you should get access again!
Patron: so do i do this each time i visit net tutor?
Librarian: I believe so.
Librarian: You can change your pop up blocker settings but I would just click on that little x each time and allow the pop ups as you need
Patron: Thank you a thousand time. you saved my day. thank you
Librarian: You're welcome! Is there anything else I can do to help you before I go?
Librarian: Okay, well it looks like you're already busy using the net tutor so I'll end this session now. [Librarian sends Goodbye script for Patron’s Library]
If you would like to nominate a session, send it Quality [click on the Send to Quality link in the complete session view in the Review Transcripts tab, or email either[email protected] or [email protected]] and I’ll send a compliment to the chatting librarian as well. Thanks again to all who have submitted a SOTW; I’ll be posting those in the coming weeks!