We're forwarding to you a message from Jocelyn DeAngelis, of Rutgers University. Jocelyn is the project manager for a research study currently underway by Marie Radford and Lynn Silipigni Connaway. Their study is an evaluation of chat services from several perspectives.
message describes the study and the intended survey with end users in the
U.S. We hope you will consider implementing their suggested message to
your chat patrons as a custom message in the transcript that is e-mailed at the
close of every session.
QuestionPoint administrators can set this
up in the Administration module at Administration/Institution/Settings/Custom
Messages/Chat Transcript. (We will be happy to answer any questions you
might have about how to do this.)
Since the call for participants is for a limited time only--currently estimated to end August 31--the nearer the beginning of the e-mail you place the message, the more likely it is to be seen. Or perhaps you can think of other ways to highlight it.
On behalf of the Seeking Synchronicity research team, thank you for your consideration.
Paula Rumbaugh
We are seeking your help in recruiting participants for an important web survey. We need participants who are not librarians, library science students or faculty. We are looking for individuals who have chatted or IMed with a librarian as a user of a virtual reference service for our grant-funded research project, "Seeking Synchronicity: Evaluating Virtual Reference Services from User, Non-User, and Librarian Perspectives." The survey will take approximately 30 minutes and participants will be paid $25. We also may offer them the opportunity to take part in a live telephone interview for $30. This study will evaluate the sustainability and relevance of library virtual reference services. It is funded by a US federal grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services, Rutgers University, and OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc. The principal investigators of the project are Marie L. Radford (Associate Professor, Rutgers University) and Lynn Silipigni Connaway (Consulting Research Scientist III, OCLC). One way that may be possible for you to help is to include the following line in your closing script to users or as a line in the emailed transcript they receive following the session: "If you are interested in participating in a PAID research study about virtual reference similar to our 'insert service name', please email [email protected] for more information." Another way is for you to forward our email address to potential participants, [email protected], asking if they would be interested in participating in a PAID research study about chat reference services similar to your own. Please contact me via email if you have any questions. Thank you, Jo
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